Donate was created to be a comprehensive resource for travelers to Croatia’s Dalmatia region, specifically Split city. Over time it grew from one man’s personal hobby with just a few informative articles, to a comprehensive resource including over 200 pages of travel guides and other content.

Our traffic now reaches well over 50% of total visitors coming to Split, and we are the number one Split Croatia travel guide.

We need your help!

Occasional sponsored article or advertisement helps pay for our ongoing domain and website hosting costs. We are grateful to all our sponsors and partners for helping to keep our website alive!

But, we always welcome additional funding to help us grow. Ongoing domain and site hosting fees along with maintaining 200 pages of content takes most of our resources now, which limits our growth.

How can I help?

If helped you find the perfect place to stay, gave you a bit of insight into your destination, helped you save money, or if you simply want to help us continue our work, consider donating any amount you wish to support us!

We have a number of options available with which you can make a one-time or recurring contribution:

  1. Buy us a coffee on Ko-fi (Paypal)
  2. Recurring support via Patreon

Since we like to keep up with modern times, you can also donate Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency:

  • Bitcoin: 1QEeXci6bMyR2cuqWxPTUWqswE7WY9WFTQ
  • Ethereum: 0xe9D450D9fD077d7b7372Ac81E73D7F074365D87E

You can find more addresses for a variety of cryptocurrencies on our Bitback profile.

How will my donation be used?

Your donation will help:

  1. Pay for ongoing website maintenance costs: domain and hosting are our two main monthly expenses. Even a small donation can help take our mind off it for a few weeks!
  2. Keep our existing content up to date: constantly updating 200+ pages of content sometimes feels like a full time job. Your contribution can help us dedicate more time and resources to ensure the entire site is up to date. Since we have no native English speaker among our authors, some of our articles are also in dire need of spelling and grammar checks.
  3. Hire additional local authors: we want to write more about destinations you’ll love learning about, but also new places we haven’t covered yet. Majority of donation funds will go into hiring knowledgeable local authors to ensure they can contribute quality and in-depth guides.
  4. Hire professional photographers and pay for image licensing fees: we know exactly how hard it can be to describe breathtaking scenery with words. Providing quality images in our articles is crucial to helping our visitors learn more about destinations, and we would love to be able to have more great photos.
  5. Build more tools & features: tools such as our Travel Costs Calculator are not easy to build, and require outside programmers with more expertise. Your contributions can help us build more similar tools, calculators and website features.

How else can I help?

If you’re unable to donate, no worries! We will continue writing about Croatia and doing what we love for as long as we can!

You can still help by telling your friends about our website on Facebook or Twitter or spreading the word on other websites, forums or blogs. More mentions and traffic helps us get the attention of additional partners or sponsors!

Thank you!

Even if you’re just visiting this page and reading about our mission, thanks! We love that you care enough to even consider helping us stay online and grow, and you have our gratitude for any help you can provide!

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