Venice to Rovinj Ferry Route

Venice to Rovinj ferry route on map.

Venice to Rovinj ferries (Rovigno in Italian) are available 3 times per week by Atlas Kompas, and every day by Venezia Lines.

Trip to Rovinj from Venice lasts around 3.5 hours, and are available from April to October from €70 in low season to €150 in high.

Image information:

This image is named Venice to Rovinj Ferry Route and was uploaded to my article here: Ferries from Venice to Croatia. Please read the full guide for more context about Venice to Rovinj Ferry Route photo, or find other related photos below.

From my Ferries from Venice to Croatia article:

Ferries from Venice to Croatia

Venice to Croatia ferry routes How to get from Venice to Croatia? Many travelers like starting their holiday in Venice and end with a few days along the Croatian coast! If you are visiting Italy and you don’t have enough time to visit much of Croatia, I’m sure you will be glad about to know you can take fast ferries that connect... Read more »

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