Trieste to Rovinj Ferry Route

Trieste to Rovinj ferry route on map.

Trieste to Rovinj ferry has up to 6 weekly trips lasting an average of 1 hour and 50 minutes. Prices are around €49 in July, €43 in August and €30 in September.

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This image is named Trieste to Rovinj Ferry Route and was uploaded to my article here: Italy to Croatia Ferries – Ferry Companies and Routes. Please read the full guide for more context about Trieste to Rovinj Ferry Route photo, or find other related photos below.

From my Italy to Croatia Ferries – Ferry Companies and Routes article:

Italy to Croatia Ferries – Ferry Companies and Routes

Italy to Croatia ferry routes Italy and Croatia are connected by multiple ferry lines. When looking for Italy to Croatia ferries you may come across several different companies, several of which are connecting the same departure and destination ports. Italy to Croatia ferry lines include the following routes: Ancona to Split (SNAV and Jadrolinija companies) Ancona to Stari Grad (SNAV and Jadrolinija) Ancona to Zadar... Read more »

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